Sunday, April 24, 2005

Meeting New Friends Through The Internet

Do you know what "Keypal" is? Of course, maybe you know what penpal is. Yes, it is. :-) Keypal is similar to penpal, but it uses the internet. There are many keypal sites on the net. You can make your ID for free and meet new friends from all over the world.

Before I started doing keypal, I had never thought meeting Moroccan, Lithuanian, Japanese friends. Frankly speaking, at first time, I didn't know exactly where Lithuania & Morocco are. However, we were able to be friends. For example, my Japanese friend, Yuki who is my closest keypal, and I call each other like brother & sister. :-D (She is very cute and kind.) We chat about a lot of things via messanger and E-mails.

In my opinion, meeting friends from other countries is really nice experience. If you want to meet a foreign friend, just go to a keypal site and make your profile. Maybe you will be received messages from new friends in a few days.

Here is a keypal site. Good Luck~★

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