affectation, affront, allege, arrogate sth to oneself, asseverate, attenuate, accolade, accost, adjudicate, adjunct, adumbrate, affinity, apposite, apprise sb of sth, attrition, anecdote, anonymous, abyss, anarchy, apathy, amnesty, amorphous, atrophy, agnostic, anesthesiologist
I've read a book that it is a million seller 'Tuesdays with Morrie'. From my thought, most of you already have read this book whether Korean or English edition. This book has been published about 8 years ago, however, it is being read steadily by a lot of readers on the face of the world. Frankly speaking, I've not been interested in this kind of book because I had a prejudice that this kind of book is too abstruse to read and understand. Actually there're many boring books like that everywhere. So, at first, I've purchased it to study English and at that time, it was sold at a price. (I bought an English edition.)
I've just read it during going to school or somewhere and coming home by subway. As time went by, I've been able to feel the real value of 'Tuesdays with Morrie'. It was not composed in amorphous words and abstruse pharagraphs but apposite and easily understandable way. Therefore, I've been able to understand that Morrie wanted to tell us love, relationship, death, how to live a plentiful life and so on.
In my opinion, the main idea is love. It saids many things but everything is concluded through love. A critic may say it's just a stereotypic essay but I aver if he or she read it slowly again, the skeptic will be a fan of 'Tuesdays with Morrie'.
p.s If you want more information about this book, just CLICK!!
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