Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Summer Festival T/F

I was drafted to Summer Festival Task Force Team. The Summer festival is one of the biggest event of the group. Every new employee of the year(about 10,000) gather all together at same time, at same place.

During the festival, many performances and programs are played by us. To get the best prize, every company of the group competes hardly. They run the T/F system to prepare it more efficiently and better. T/Fs focus only on the festival. It needs long and hard procedure but because of the fruit of the efforts, almost every newbie wants to be a member of T/F team.

Fortunately, I was drafted to it and selected the I.D contest team leader. I.D contest is the most creative and acrobatic performance. So thesedays we are preparing our bodies for it. From 9am to 6pm, we practice gymnastics, play, jazz dance, yoga, and so on. I appreciate team members because everybody enjoys those hard trainings and shares same goal.

I feel the weight of my responsibility deeply. I swear I will do my best to support them fully and to keep the goal until the end. I believe that the sweats we sweat now will be our tear of joy.

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